Hi ✌️ I’m Pieter. I currently lead product at Summit. It’s a fun story on start-ups, product strategy, and all that stuff. I’m happy to talk shop anytime, preferably on Twitter.

Before joining Summit, I helped start a few companies as a founding engineer. The built-by-me app dock would look something like this.

Before moving into product, I started my career building good old websites websites either as part of an agency, or all by myself, for pretty cool clients like these.

For what it’s worth, here is what others have said about me in the past:

@pieterbeulque is an absolute beast and a total joy to work with.

Matt Wensing, Founder at Summit

We’ve been working on a complete overhaul of the main Baremetrics graphs. @mrariga and @pieterbeulque are a UI/UX dreamteam.

Josh Pigford, Founder at Baremetrics